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o v e r v i e w : CyberPLAYce bridges the physical and digital worlds, allowing young students to bring their ideas, stories and class subjects to life through the construction of cyber-physical environments. The CyberPLAYce construction kit is comprised of hand-sized, magnetic modules integrating a variety of electronic components, and panels, nearly two-feet on a side, that receive the modules and serve as physical building blocks for constructing cyber-physical environments imagined by children. Through play, children become comfortable with the working modules and panels; subsequently, they are provided matching non-electronic module cards allowing them to quickly compose pattern sequences to map ideas, stories and class content. Additionally, students are provided action and story cards to spark their imagination. CyberPLAYce merges play and learning in the physical world while transitioning students from consumers of virtual and digital-centric technologies into technological innovators and cyber-playful storytellers. p u b l i c a t i o n s : Soleimani, A., Smith, K., Zeng, J., Green, K. E., Herro, D., Santiago, J., Sharma. S. Tonapi, M., Vijaykumar, A., Walker, I., & Garder-McCune, C. “Learning with CyberPLAYce; a Cyber-Physical Learning Environment for Elementary Students Promoting Computational Expression (archival video).” In Proceedings of CHI 2014: the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'14). Toronto, Ontario, Canada, p.165 and archived video of this first prototype. Soleimani, A., Green, K. E., Walker, I. D., Gardner-McCune, C., Herro, D. “CyberPLAYce -- A Play Space of Creative Intelligent Tools Promoting Personal Expression; Collaboration and Computational Thinking for Early Learners.” In Proceedings of DIS 2014, the ACM conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS'14), Vancouver, B.C.. pp. 191–194 (Doctoral Consortium).
Previous two prototypes: